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Are you a coach looking to take your team to the next level? Are you a player who wants to get the best at home practice? Shop our wide selection of Baseball Pitching Machines to find the right one for you! We offer the TOP machines on our website and know that with enough reps, you'll be at the TOP!
Baseball Pitching Machines are electric machines that shoot or fling the ball out at a high velocity to simulate a pitch. Speed and velocity can be can be raised or lowered to simulate fast pitch and slow pitch. Depending on the machine, you can even simulate fast balls, curve balls, changeups, sliders and more! There are 2 major types of pitching machines: wheel pitching machines and arm pitching machines.
Are you a softball coach or player with the same goals? Looking to reach the TOP? Top Sports Tech offers all of the same machines in Softball Pitching Machines. Softball Pitching Machines are different from Baseball Pitching Machines in two ways.
Top Sports Tech specializes in fastpitch softball machines. If you're looking for a softball pitching machine for sale let us know
Wheel Pitching Machines are standard practice tools of baseball and softball teams all around the country. Anywhere between 1 and 3 wheels spin at high speeds, and a ball is fed between a gap in the wheels. The ball is shot out at high speeds and across the plate. Wheel pitching machines are fantastic for consistent accuracy. The machine can be aligned so the pitch can go to the same spot every time!
Wheel pitching machines have a distinct advantage over Pitching Machines with an Arm. Wheel Pitching machines can simulate spin on the ball and make the ball curve. It can simulate pitches such as a slider, curveball and other specialty pitches. The durability of the wheels is very important. Here at Top Sports Tech, we sell machines with high durability wheels that will never wear out because of sun or heat exposure.
Arm style pitching machines are the classic type and offer unique benefits to players during practice. By using a mechanical arm, players are able to see the ball fling off of the arm in the same manner of an actual pitcher. This more closely simulates an actual pitching style. When using a wheel pitching machine, the ball accelerates from zero to pitch speed in a fraction of a second. Although wheel style machines are faster and more accurate, they cannot give the player the windup pitching motion that a pitching machine with an arm can deliver.
The most famous Arm Pitching Machine is the Iron Mike. The Iron Mike Pitching machine was first developed in the 1950s by Paul Giovagnoli. It has been an iconic mainstay at batting cages all around the country. If you’ve been in baseball or softball long enough, you’ve used an Iron Mike machine.
These large durable machines are near bullet proof. Famous for lasting years, the Iron Mike is an incredible investment for any batting cage or baseball program around the country.
Pitching at speeds of 20 to 85 mph, these beasts pack a punch. The types of Iron Mike Machines are:
Top Sports Tech has a wide selection of Professional Pitching Machines. These include the top of the line models such as the:
These offer top of the line pro pitching machine experiences for players at bat. These machines are all used by professional teams and college teams all around the country. With speeds up to 100 miles per hour, players will be consistently challenged by the pitches and will never grow out of them. It will also save coach’s arm hundreds of pitches every practice, and guarantee pinpoint accuracy right in the strike zone.
These machines are industrial pitching machines, meaning that they can pitch hundreds of thousands of times without ever wearing out. Imagine having a machine that can be passed down from generation to generation, making each player better and better as they go!
Top Sports Tech has the best selection of high quality baseball pitching machines. We carefully curated our selection to have only the best for our customers. Let us know if you have any purchasing questions today!